What are Nootropic Brain Supplements, Smart Drugs, and Cognitive Brain Enhancers?
Whether you're a college student hoping to ace your exams, a busy professional striving for a promotion, a regular person trying to get a leg up, or an older adult concerned about their memory, the idea of popping a pill that boosts your brainpower might seem pretty appealing. So perhaps it's not surprising that the use of nootropics for the brain -- aka brain cognitive enhancing supplements or smart brain drugs -- is on the rise.

The term "nootropics" was first use to refer to chemicals that met very specific criteria for cognitive brain supplements. But now it's used to refer to any natural or synthetic substance that may have a positive impact on mental skills, the brain, cognitive abilities, or related effects. In general, nootropics like Bright Brain include proven natural compounds or proven synthetic compounds that are successfully proven nootropic compounds. They are combined in specific formulations to synergize and achieve the lab proven results our competitors can only dream of.
So, What Do Nootropics Supplements For The Brain Do?
Nootropics. You might have heard of them. The “limitless pill” that keeps Billionaires rich. The ‘smart brain drugs’ that students are taking to help boost their focus, memory, concentration, and more. The cognitive enhancers that give corporate executives an advantage. All very exciting. But as always, the media is way behind the curve and often report inaccurately on what nootropics are or do.
Yes, for the past few decades, cognitive enhancers were largely sketchy substances that people used to grasp at a short-term edge at the expense of their health and well-being. But the days of taking prescribed pills to pull an all-nighter are so 2010. The better, safer path isn’t with these stimulants, but with nootropics for your brain. Nootropics consist of dietary supplements and substances which enhance your brain cognition, in particular when it comes to motivation, creativity, memory, and other executive functions. They play an important role in supporting memory and promoting optimal brain function.
These days, nootropics are beginning to take their rightful place as a particularly powerful tool in the Neurohacker’s toolbox, as well as regular customers. After all, biochemistry is deeply foundational to neural function. Whether you are concerned about your nervous system from a stressful and toxic work environment or support and enhance your neural functioning, getting the chemistry right is high stakes. With companies like Bright Brain leading the way, the industry is taken a whole new direction towards proven results and success.

How Do Nootropic Brain Supplements work in the brain and body?
The neural system is complex. Big companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to separate the effects of just a single molecule from placebo – and nootropics invariably show up as “stacks” of many ingredients. That kind of complex, multi pathway input requires a different methodology to understand not only what ingredients are used, but how they work together, get delivered to the brain, and react in your body.
Thanks to the efforts of several remarkable scientists, researchers, and companies like Bright Brain, we are beginning to put together a “whole systems” model of how all the different parts of the human brain work together and how they mesh with the complex regulatory structures of the body. As more and more research gets completed, we continue to actually deliver on the promise of smart drugs that can help people in so many ways. Each ingredient is different, and we like to inform our customers what they do!
Check out each product page to learn more about the ingredients, what they are, and how they work. You can also check out our FAQ to learn so much more!
Do Nootropic Brain Supplements, Smart Drugs & Cognitive Enhancers Actually Work?
Not only does Bright Brain believe in the success of our nootropics, but so do our customers! A healthy lifestyle, exercise, regular sleep, and healthy diet are all critical to brain health. Nootropics won't make you an Einstein after taking one pill, but our customers see extraordinary results every day when taking our Nootropics and living healthy. Our customers are seeing actual results!
Chris D'Adamo, Ph.D., director of research and education at the University of Maryland’s Center for Integrative Medicine, thinks nootropics can give you a mental edge. He stated, "Most people seeking to optimize cognitive function would be better off focusing on getting enough sleep, eating a nutrient-dense diet, and managing their stress," he says. "But once you have those basics down, the right nootropics might serve as a bonus, helping you think more clearly and sharply or reduce your chances of cognitive decline as you age."
Our #1 goal is making great products that produce extraordinary results that keep you coming back. Check out nootropics for the brain now.

What types of Nootropic Brain Supplements are there?
There are quite many nootropics that target everything from the brain to the body and everything in between! The ingredients within each nootropic determine its specific function. For example, some of Bright Brain's nootropics have ingredients that can help memory, thinking speed, and increase attention span. Others have ingredients that are intended to help alleviate stress and improve your mood.
Check the nootropic ingredients as you determine what your goals and needs are. Some can increase brain chemicals that control, assist, and aid in a variety of methods. An increase in the levels can be very useful for memory, alertness, reward, and more. Many healthy adults, as well as college students, take them. They are designed to support the central nervous system and the brain.
Learn more about Nootropics and their ingredients in our FAQ now!
Are Nootropics Legal?
Yes. All of our ingredients are 100% legal in the United States. For specific situations, such as an Olympic athlete or professional gamer, we always recommend you check if any substance is banned for professional competition before usage.
Although none of our ingredients are illegal, some organizations might discourage using them because of the competitive edge it gives you over the others.
Learn more about Bright Brain Nootropics here!

Are Nootropics Addictive?
The most straightforward answer to this question is no, but it depends. The usage of nootropics, unlike the usage of illegal drugs, isn’t typically addictive, but we always recommend checking with your doctor if you have any concerns or issues with dependency and properly regulating your usage.
A word of warning though, Bright Brain's Nootropics are spectacular and despite the risk of being physically or mentally addictive is minimal, you are going to love it!